Friday, February 12, 2010

Clotheslines 3

The comments on the second in my Clotheslines Series were similar to those I shared yesterday. It seems that for most people photos of clotheslines evoke memories of the past'

As I drove along the highway in Dildo South I saw the clothesline silhouetted against the reflections of the sun in the ocean. Obviously I stopped and went back to capture the first image. I suspect the clothes billowing in the wind coming off the ocean in Melros, Trinity Bay didn't take too long to dry! I liked the small clothesline with colourful clothing in Little Catalina. This will be the last in this particular series, but I am sure I will do another one at a later date.

Here are a few interesting comments from yesterday:

I love your clothesline series! Brings back such good memories... but I could not put things on a line now. And, the city is so crowded the birds would "ruin" everything hanging out.

Yes, quite enjoyed the clothesline pics. Mom used to hang her clothing out after us older kids had left home. My former neighbors did and if they had been away, I always knew they were back when I saw clothes hanging out!! It is very true, they do smell so much fresher after being hung out!

I enjoy your Clotheslines again. Comments were funny and interesting...the first photo on tip of Northern Peninsula is a great one, laundry flowing freely.

Thanks for these wonderful images of days (supposedly) gone by. I remember when I was a kid in the '50's my Mom and Gramma hanging the wash outside even on the coldest of days, then bringing everything in, still wet in most cases and rehanging them inside to dry. There was something about putting them out in the "fresh" crisp cold, that made them smell lovely, even after drying them again in the basement. I could never figure out why putting ones laundry "out" to dry, became something to be frowned upon. Like just about everyone else, everywhere now, I have a clothes dryer and STILL hang my laundry out to dry, although not in the bitter cold of our Northern winter. Something very aesthetic about the whole concept. Thanks again. As you always say, "Everything is a picture."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. Wash the clothes line before hanging any clothes. Walk the length of each line with a damp cloth around the line.

2. Hang the clothes in order -always hang whites with whites and hang them first.

3. Never hang a shirt by the shoulders, always by the tail. What would the neighbors think?

4. Wash day on a Monday... never hang clothes on the weekend or Sunday for heaven's sake!

5. Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you can hide your 'unmentionables' in the middle.

6. It doesn't matter if it is sub zero weather.............clothes will 'freeze dry.'

7. Always gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes. Pins left on the line is 'tacky'.

8. Be efficient and line the clothes up so that each item does not need two clothes pins but can shar one clothes pin with the next washed item.

9. Clothes off of the line before dinner time, neatly fold in the clothes basket and be ready to iron.

10. IRON!!?????? ???? Well, that's a whole other subject.

Labadie - People

Labadie - People I have been to Labadie twice and photographed several people who worked there. The first photos in my new album were taken ...