Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I was surprised at the number of people who commented on the photos of car wrecks I shared yesterday. It is interesting to not the reactions to my photos, especially when they show subjects that are a little unusual.

While making photographs near the ocean in Foxtrap (Conception Bay South) and was surprised to see a field of corn. Of course, I had to photograph the corn and the farmer saw me and came by. He was very proud and showed me a healthy ear of corn. I chose to photograph his hands as he shucked it.

In the past, corn couldn't be grown on the island of Newfoundland, but in recent years, several farms produce a number of varieties. The farmer explained that it is a combination of a few factors. First a plastic covering on the ground keeps the soil warm when the seeds are planted. This extends the growing season and the plastic decomposes as the corn grows. As well, he suggested our summers are hotter than in past years. He wasn't sure if it was because of global warming or not.

1 comment:

bearkat said...

They grow some widely popular corn in the Taber area of Southern Alberta. The peaches and cream variety is sought after!! You often see the little roadside stands all over the city. Being in the city, there seems to be fewer and fewer of those big old gardens anymore.
Mmmm.....for the tastes of summer! :)


Sheds This morning, I started a new album in which I will share photographs of sheds and you can follow it here -  https://www.facebook.com/...