Thursday, January 31, 2008

Winter Scenes

My son Mark and I went for a snowshoe hike recently. As I walked under a fir tree I noticed icicles hanging off the branches. I thought it would be an interesting picture and by the time I had my camera out of the bag, Mark had walked into view. I quickly focused on the icicles, knowing that he would be a silhouette in the background. I took a few quick shots with him framed between the icicles. I liked the scene and decided to shoot it again without the branches and icicles.

I liked both images. I expected them to be dark because when I focused on the icicles with the bright sky in the background, I knew the camera would "see" the scenes as very bright and cause Mark and the trees to be silhouettes. To achieve the same effect in the second photo, I focused on Mark's head. You'll notice that his image is sharper in the second photo.

Photography Course Update

I am still considering offering a basic photography course and have been doing some research as to the best program to use for delivering a photography course on line. I am also developing a list of topics, and am in the process of finalizing how much to include in a basic course, and how much would be a fair price to charge. I will update you in a week or two.

1 comment:

Jo said...

I really like the first pic. I'd also be very interested in finding out more about your photography course. Will check back for updates. =o)

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