Saturday, May 19, 2007

Trout River

Trout River is located on the southern boundary of Gros Morne National Park. I visited there on a beautiful day last August and took photos of the harbour and river. The fishing stages and wharves line the banks of the river, making for an interesting photography challenge.

Because of the layout of the community wharf it was difficult to photograph the buildings on the opposite side. I was able to change lenses and place myself in strategic, sometimes precarious, positions to avoid boats and/posts in the foreground.

The four photos were taken in sequence over a period of 1 minute (8:41 - 8:42 AM). To get the first two photos, I had to stand on the tips of my toes to shoot above the boats. For the last two I decided to photograph the same scene but this time leave boats in the foreground of each view. As a result, the boats have replaced the stages as the dominant subjects. By trying different angles and views, you will see that each one makes a different photo.


bearkat said...

Bruce, this is a nice way of seeing other parts of our country!!!!

K. Bruce Lane - Photo of the Day said...

Thank you for the positive feedback.

I try to show as much of my world as possible.

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