Monday, July 05, 2021



I miss my strawberry patches.  When I first moved in to my house in 2007, the first thing I planted was a bed of strawberries.  The next year, I transplanted the little plants and made a second bed.  At one point, I was getting a gallon of strawberries a day.  My grandchildren loved them and we had LOTS for jam and desserts. After a while, I couldn't keep up with weeding them, and my beds started to grow in.  The strawberries got much smaller and finally, I dug the gardens out and the plants were composted.  

The strawberries I buy do not taste like the ones I grew.  This year, I planned to buy three of four strawberry plants and plant them in containers.  But I haven't been able to purchase individual plants and I don't need 25 in a bunch.  Maybe I'll ask someone for a few runners later on.  :)

You can view my Strawberries Facebook Album here -

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