Sunday, June 28, 2015

Burin Peninsula


Bay L'Argent

Burin Peninsula

June 25, 2015

It was raining when I arrived in Mortier on the Burin Peninsula. I photographed this community last summer on a beautiful, clear day. This time I barely had time to get out of the car to make photos before getting wet so I only have a few.

The next community I photographed on this trip was Bay L'Argent, a beautiful little community 11 km off the Burin Peninsula Highway. If you are ever in this area, it is definitely worth the time to visit the three towns on this side road. Though it was foggy, I could tell that the mountains were beautiful. I will have to make another trip down there on a clear day!!

The first six photos show the protected harbour in Mortier, and the others were taken in Bay L'Argent.

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Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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