Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hawaiian Sunsets

Hawaiian Sunsets

Today's photos of Hawaiian Sunsets were taken using Kodachrome 64 slide film in 1980. I think the quality of the slides is excellent considering they have been stored in my house for 35 years.

Though it's been a long time I still remember taking the photos. For the first two I was standing on Waikiki Beach photographing the beauty of the sunset. In those days I carried all my lenses and two camera bodies so I shot wide, medium and long views. As you can imagine I changed lenses several times.

The photos with palm trees, as well as those with a model, were taken on a beach where we attended a luau and were treated to a "traditional" Hawaiian meal and a great show. As the sun set, I walked closer to the beach and a guy was photographing his girlfriend in the sunset. I told him I was a photographer and asked if I could photograph her to make a silhouette and ensured them that she wouldn't be identifiable. They talked it over and agreed so I made a couple of images of her.   Afterwards I made several photos of the sun setting behind palm trees and returned for my meal.  I was behind a group of people and a couple who were telling a story about a photographer from Canada taking photos of his wife. It was interesting to hear their comments about it.

The photo with buildings and the one of a jet were taken from the balcony of the Holiday Inn on Waikiki Beach.  I am not sure if that hotel is still there.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

1 comment:

William F Matthews said...

Some really nice shots, Bruce. Great composition, too.


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