Sunday, August 03, 2014

Wild Roses

Wild Roses

Thanks for the comments on yesterday's photos of shasta daisies.  It seems that most people really like the daisies despite the fact that they are somewhat invasive.  :)

Yesterday afternoon I photographed several varieties of flowers around my yard including wild roses which are very beautiful and fragrant this time of the year.  Since moving to Holyrood in 1982 I have photographed wild roses most summers.  I have many photos of wild roses and you can view others at:

I have picked pink petals and for the past few years and bring them inside to enjoy the fragrance.  So far this week I have collected rose petals and lavender flowers, which are also very fragrant, and am enjoying the smells of nature inside my home.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.
Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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