Friday, June 08, 2012

Humpback Whales 5

Humpback Whales 5

This is the last in my Humpback Whales Series for now. I've been sharing photos taken during two whale watching tours out of Bauline East along the Irish Loop.

Today's images were taken as the sun was setting. The whales were a lot more peaceful, taking a lot less dives and staying near the surface. It was exciting to watch these huge animals taking shallow dives then surfacing near our boat or the other that was close by. You can see how big they are when you compare with the boat. You can also see the white pectoral fins through the water in a few of the images. Look carefully at the last photo and you will see a reflection of the sunset near the whale's tail.

I have shared images of icebergs and whales, two of the things that tourists visiting the island really love to see. One person has commented that I should be paid by the provincial Department of Tourism because of my Photo of the Day. Several people have let me know that they will be visiting our province as a result of viewing my photos on a daily basis. If any more of you have decided to visit (or visited in the past) Newfoundland and Labrador partly because of the photos I've been sharing daily for nearly 10 years, let me know.   

 Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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