Saturday, June 16, 2012

Baccalieu Trail 2

Baccalieu Trail 2

Today's photos were taken in Ochre Pit Cove, Conception Bay. As you can see from the first photo, it was still foggy and overcast. From the shore I could see an iceberg in the distance (located in Northern Bay) but it was barely visible through the fog.

While there, I photographed several houses that I have photographed on previous occasions, the most recent being May 21 and 23, 2012. The yellow house and outbuildings have been painted and one of the sheds has been changed since the last time I photographed it.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

1 comment: said...

I really enjoy your Photo of the Day! But, I have always wondered at the shape of the houses: square, tall, very little slope to the roofs. Is there a reason for this common shape? One would think one level (lower to the ground & less resistance to wind) and steeper roofs (easier snow removal) would work better in your climate.

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