Friday, November 11, 2011

Those Who Remember 1985

Those Who Remember 1985

This morning I have used the photo of a sculpture on the War memorial in St. John's which I took during the Remembrance Day Ceremony in 2001. When I photographed the ceremony in 1981 for a photo essay assignment in one of my graduate courses, I made an image from nearly the same angle and used it for the cover on my project at that time. I was making the above photo in 2001 just as the clouds opened directly behind the statue, which added interest to the scene. I added the poppy later.

The veteran in the second photo is Bill Lewis, a Holyrood resident who passed away a few years ago. As the Navy Cadets bowed for a moment of silence to remember those who fought for their freedom, I shot the third image looking directly into the sun. I knew the bright sun would create silhouettes and make a dramatic image. Most of the other veterans in today's photos have also passed since these photos were taken.

If you are interested in viewing more photos of Those Who Remember, I have a couple of galleries on my web site. Feel free to check them out.

While teaching at Mary Queen of Peace School in St. John's, I organized and implemented a project where students maintained a project about our veterans and asked for stories about them. Feel free to check the site at:

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

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