Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Stained Glass - St. Paul's Church 1

St. Paul's Church 1

A few years ago I visited St. Paul's Church in downtown Halifax and shared a few photos of the stained glass windows. Today, I would like to share more photos of the beautiful art in those windows. Unfortunately, I do not know the names of the artists who created this work, and my photos are no more than reflections of the beauty they created.

In the days before printing presses, it was the art inside the churches that told the stories of Christ and his message. I have photographed stained glass windows in many churches and most tell the same stories from the Bible and New Testament. This series shows Christian Art as seen in the stained glass windows of St. Paul's Church. For the next few days, I plan to share 3 images with subscribers to the email version of My Photo of the Day and upload ten or more to my Photo of the Day Blog.

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