Thursday, November 04, 2010

200 - 8

A few more people have let me know they are on facebook and the total now is 20. If you are interested in seeing images entered in the Photography Contest - "New and Improved", just do a search to see the "SEASIDE" photos submitted this week. Maybe some of you will want to enter - I know that one of you is submitting regularly.

During the summer I shared photos of L'Anse aux Meadows and the fence shown in today's photos definitely has more than 200 pickets. :) The second image shows lots of beautiful yellow blooms.

I liked the pattern on the curtains shown in the third image this morning. As most of you know, I make many photos that fit the theme - "Shapes and Textures". I wouldn't have thought of this type of photo as having 200 subjects, but a closer look showed at least that many "crosses" in the fabric.

I saw a large flock of Canada Geese swimming on a lake near Regina, Saskatchewan and stopped to make a few photos. Despite the fact that I was quite far away, the flock took off when I started making photos. I assume these geese are skittish because they are wary of humans. Another view has been uploaded to my Blog this morning.

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Doors and Windows - Europe

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