Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tangled Garden 7

Tomorrow will be the last in the Tangled Garden Series. I have shared many images of the garden over the last week and hope you have enjoyed seeing the wide variety of plants and flowers that grow there.

The first photo today shows a tree with an oval shape. I assume the owners "trained" the tree to grow that way. It is difficult to see from the photo, but there are trenches dug around the tree. It looks like they are trying to grow something in the small trenches that may make an interesting maze when it grows. The first yellow flower looks like a golden marguerite, which is growing all over my property.
The pink flower may be a peony and the yellow blooms in the last image look like a type of lily.

I walked around my yard last evening and am amazed at Nature's ability to rebound after a "trauma" such as digging up land to build a house. Plants are growing out of the rocky gravel and covering it well. In a few areas I am cultivating the land and weeding out the hardy plants Nature has offered, but in most areas, I am letting Nature take its course. Of course, Mother Nature is a much better gardener than I. As usual, I am making photographs of Nature's restoration project!

1 comment:

Ann Flowers said...

Stunning picture of the flowers, will definitely make my day. Keep posting.


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