As I edited the photos from Tangled Garden I was amazed at the quality of the close-up images. Except for one photograph, I made all 370 images with my 17-40 mm zoom lens which allowed me to get fairly close to the flowers.
The first flower looks like white foxglove. The leaves were also like those of a foxglove and when I checked on line I found that there are white foxglove flowers. I am not sure what the pink flowers are, but I photographed them even though they were partly shaded. The next two images are the same flower, I just changed angles and added the blue sky as a background. I really liked the delicate blue flower and found a similar one on line - Meadow Crane's-Bill - but I am not certain if it is the same.
Several of you agreed with yesterday's comments on photography and provided examples of why EVERYTHING'S A PICTURE! I realize that many photographers specialize in one type of photography or another but I don't understand why individuals would look down on others who choose a different path. I purchased my first 35 mm camera in 1970 and have been passionately involved in photography since then. In fact I am probably more involved now than forty years ago and still find photographic subjects everywhere I go!
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