Saturday, November 21, 2009

White-Throated Sparrow

Two summers ago I photographed a white-throated sparrow during one of my hikes. The small bird was curious about me and stayed only long enough for me to capture a few images. At the time, I thought I hadn't photographed this specie of bird before, but later I found photos of one that were taken a couple of years previously at my birdfeeder.

One would think that I would see lots of birds in the forest, but to be honest, I see a few chickadees, robins and crows, but not very many birds at all. I hear lots of birds, but seldom get a chance to photograph them.

Feel free to check more photos of the white-throated sparrow at:

1 comment:

bearkat said...

Bruce, enjoying the bird series! Hope all goes well with your surgery. Take care.


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