Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter Solstice

Today is officially the first day of winter which, in this part of the world, means that it is the day with the fewest hours of daylight. Starting tomorrow the days get longer and the nights shorter. Of course, it will take a couple of weeks before we notice it. These days, it is dark when I leave for work in the mornings and nearly dark when I drive home in the afternoons.

In honour of the Winter Solstice, I chose two photos taken on one of the lakes that I walk to while hiking in the woods behind my house. I checked out the tracks but, because it had snowed on them, I couldn't identify the animal for certain. I guessed that it was probably a fox because of the size and type of track.

The first photo shows a wide view across the lake and the second shows a closer view, taken when I changed lenses from a wide angle to a telephoto lens. The tracks add a little interest to the scene.


bearkat said...

thanks isn't looking good for a white christmas here....might be some flurries tonight...i just wanted to wish you a merry christmas and all the best in the coming year...take care!! :)

K. Bruce Lane - Photo of the Day said...

We certainly will have a white Christmas this year. And, a Merry Christmas to you too!!

Reddish Egrets

Reddish Egrets Reddish egrets were rare around Citrus Park in SW Florida, however, I did see a few on Sanibel Island and in Lovers Key Park ...