Sunday, December 23, 2007

To The Mountain

Yesterday, after sending my Photo of the Day, I put on snowshoes and walked to the top of the highest mountain behind my house. I have lived here for over 25 years and this was the first time I attempted it in Winter. When people asked me my plans for Christmas break, I told them my goal was to snowshoe to the highest peak on the mountains behind my house. I achieved this goal on the first day!

I took several photos of the snowshoes laid against the pile of rocks that I, and others, have built at the highest point. The photo I am sharing is looking north towards Holyrood Harbour and Conception Bay. The self-portrait was taken by holding the camera (set at the widest view) towards me and shooting. I figured this would be proof that I made it. :)

It was a beautiful, clear and crisp day and it was extremely cold up there because of the winds and open space. I only stayed there for a few minutes because I had been perspiring a lot and as soon as I stopped, I began to feel cold despite the heavy clothing I was wearing.

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