Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hawaiian Sunsets

In 1980, my wife and I vacationed in Hawaii for two weeks and I took one roll of 36 slides every day. If it were today, I would have taken many more with my digital camera. I wasn't used to seeing a beautiful sunset every night so I took a few photos of each one I saw.

I was standing on the balcony of our hotel when I took the first photo. I remember liking the golden edges on the dark clouds. Just as I was about to press the shutter release, a jet flew into the scene and I took the photo as the jet climbed quickly into the golden sky.

The second photo was taken from Waikiki Beach in Oahu. You can see many sailboats indicating that many people were enjoying a sunset on the bay. As I stated above, we were there 13 nights and there was an equally beautiful sunset every night.

In contrast, the photo I have entitled, "Winter Fridge", was taken yesterday morning as I prepared to shovel our driveway after the second storm in 5 days. As soon as I saw the snow piled up against the door, I thought of this photo.

It was a challenging shot because the sky and snowbanks in the background were very bright and the shadows in the foreground were dark. I tried focusing on the foreground, but the background was too overexposed. I used the little flash on my camera to add fill light to the foreground. The first few I took didn't show the door, but they weren't as good. The open door leaves no doubt about where the photos were taken. I was going to title the photo - "One Advantage of Winter", but it was too much text.

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Sheds This morning, I started a new album in which I will share photographs of sheds and you can follow it here -