Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Sherbrooke Village 2

Sherbrooke Village 2

Sherbrooke Village was established in 1969 to preserve a part of Sherbrooke to show what a typical 19th-century village in Nova Scotia.  The village is part of the Nova Scotia Museum. 

Today's photos show the Sherbrooke Hotel and Tea Room, Rosebank Cottage and a few shots of the community.  Today, the hotel serves meals and Victorian tea.  Rosebank Cottage is used for visitors who would like to dress up in costume while they are exploring the village.

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Photos of the Day are for sale as:

You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook Pages:

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Bonfires I have been having bonfires around my property in Holyrood for over 40 years and have enjoyed every one of them! I have taken pictu...