Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tangled Garden 3

Tangled Garden 3

For the past few weeks, I am having issues with sending my Photo of the Day via email.  From what I can figure out, it is partially caused by sending photos and links in HTML format.  Yesterday, I sent a "bare-bones" version without tables and extra links.  I even took out my logo from emails to a couple of the groups.  However, there were still several emails rejected by Gmail.  What I can't understand is the fact that I get more than a hundred SPAM emails every day and they get through?  As you already know, this is frustrating for me. 

My new plan is to upload my photos and comments to my Blog on a daily basis and to scale back my email version.  Today, I plan to send just text, 1 photo and a link to my Blog.  If that works, I will continue that format.  People receiving my email version will know the subject and a link to the Blog.  If you like, you can then follow up by visiting my Blog.

Today's photos show more of the plants and flowers growing in Tangled Garden.

Feel free to share with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook Pages:

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