Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fall 16

Fall 16

This is the last of the Fall Series for this year.  From the feedback I have received, most of you have enjoyed the 160 images I've shared over the past 16 days.  All of today's photos were taken in Holyrood.

I have several birch trees in my yard and photograph them in all seasons.  This year there are hundreds of tiny birches growing all over my property.  Some are in ideal locations, but I will have to move may others later in the Fall.  There are also several young mountain ash (dogberry) trees growing and most of them are growing well.  The first year I moved to my house (6 years ago today) I transplanted 2 maple trees and planted them along my driveway around 20 feet apart.  One is around 4 metres (13 feet) tall and the other around 1.5 metres (5 feet).  Moose have been pruning the shorter on which must be along a path they travel through my property.  The other never gets eaten.  

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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Bonfires I have been having bonfires around my property in Holyrood for over 40 years and have enjoyed every one of them! I have taken pictu...