Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall 15

Fall  15

Thanks for your comments regarding the Fall photos taken on the west coast of Newfoundland. It is mid-October here and the leaves are just starting to change colour.  I heard an interview on the radio yesterday and apparently leaves are changing colour later in the year in some places because of global warming.  There are two things that cause leaves to change colour: the fewer hours of daylight and cool weather.  Since temperatures are warmer trees don't produce the chemicals that cause the leaves to change on cue.  It is possible that the colours won't be as bright as in the past. That would be sad because many people enjoy the beautiful colours of the Fall season.

This October has been unusually warm here with temperatures in the high 20°C (high 70°and 80°F) range - In fact it reached 30°C (90°F) here in Holyrood.  Several species of flowers such as dandelion and lupines that normally bloom in spring and early summer have been blooming around here recently.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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