Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sunrise, Bay of Islands

This morning, while searching for photos to share with you, I came across these two photos taken one after the other. They were taken on August 5, 2006 at 6:32 am. (Isn't digital photography great?) just as the sun was rising over the Bay of Islands in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador.

I was standing behind a bunch of big rocks on the breakwater in the Marina and had to stand on a rock to get the first photo. I intentionally composed the photo to have very little water and land, but mostly sky.

When I stepped off the rock, I wondered if the silhouettes of the rocks would add to the photo. Notice that for this composition I zoomed in a little and used the Rule of Thirds (horizon is near the bottom 1/3 of the photo) The rocks tell the viewer that the photo was taken from land, whereas the first one could have been taken from a boat.

I use these photos to illustrate that EVERYTHING'S A PICTURE! With digital photography, feel free to experiment.

Over the past two weeks, I have been teaching 6-9 year olds to use a digital camera and encouraged them to try different angles. They had to take one photo showing their Webkinz (stuffed toys) and one close up. I also taught them how to make the © symbol and put it on their web sites. The purpose of this project was to teach them a little about how to use a digital camera as well as reinforce the idea of Copyright and ownership of images on the Internet.

Feel free to check out their work. Go to then click on Student Pages > and the grade ... Most grade 1 and 2 students have their Webkinz projects on line ...

1 comment:

molecule said...

great photos mate!
ps. your post was featured on the official bay of islands community site!


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