Sunday, March 11, 2007

Summer Flowers

A few people requested more flower photos so I have chosen two this morning that are sure to bring thoughts of warm summer days. The "black-eyed susans", as we call them, bloom every summer in August. They add brightness to our back yard. A friend brought a few plants one time, and they continue to grow year after year.

To get these compositions I lay on my back on the ground and looked up at the flowers. I was able to get the plants and blue sky only, which made for strong images. Another challenge here was the wind. In order to get everything in focus, I had to wait for the breezes to slow before shooting. The little movement in the composition was "stopped" when I took the photo. You can see that the petals are lifted skyward by the breeze.

HINT 1 - Flower Photography - shoot from different angles. If shooting digitals, shoot all the angles you want.

1 comment:

bearkat said...

loved the black eyed susans!! We all them brown eyed out here..same thing...had I the space..there would be a huge flower garden!! As it is, I look after a small apt. bldg, and I saw the one variety of daffodils are already in bud..hollyhocks, shasta daisies, sweet williams are already showing green!!! I'm really enjoying your site!!! Thank you!!


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