Monday, March 19, 2007


After a 3 hour snowshoe hike yesterday, I am convinced that Spring has finally started in this part of the world. Snow is disappearing rapidly and the warm sunny day certainly had water running, and lots of it.

The first photo today shows a pole line with lots of grassy areas visible. The second image shows a large puddle formed by melting snow. The third image shows how wet the ground is where all snow has disappeared.

Finally, I had to photograph the moose tracks in 2 feet of snow. Even though they have long legs, it must be difficult walking through the deep snow during winter. I bet they will be happy when the snow is gone completely.

1 comment:

bearkat said...

Love seeing the signs of spring!! It was more subtle when I was living in the mountains...remember one year I serched high and low for pussy willows and crocuses..did find them both!!


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