Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Point Leamington

While on a photo shoot in Central Newfoundland and Labrador in early July, I visited many communities including Point Leamington. I am sending two photos taken from a bridge over a beautiful river in that community.

The first was taken with my 17-40 zoom lens and shows the rough water flowing into the ocean with part of the town in the background. The second, taken with my 100-300 lens at maximum zoom, shows two salmon fishermen standing at the mouth of the river.

I haven't visited this area of the province in over 25 years, but as I approached the town, I remembered there was a river there because I had photographed it before. The experience made me realize that the only thing I remembered about the town was what I had photographed a quarter of a century ago.

As we drove through the other towns in the area, it was the same - hardly anything looked familiar, except the things I had photographed before. I assume that taking the photos and viewing them often, helped "fix" the memories in my brain. Other things, which I saw then, but didn't pay as much attention to, were forgotten. Maybe the process of making a photograph helps people remember things more clearly?

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