Friday, July 13, 2018

Clouds 3

Clouds 3

I am finishing the Clouds Series today with the last of the photos taken on June 21, 2018.  It certainly was great day for photographing clouds.

My Photos of the Day has been inconsistent since I hurt my back in late June. However, I have been uploading photos to Facebook nearly every day.  I can upload photos to specific Albums much quicker than writing and sending my photos by email.  As a result, I can upload more with less stress on my back (I find it hard to sit in front of a computer for very long.).

For the past several years, I only hear from a few people regarding my email version of Photos of the Day.  For quite a while (nearly 2 years), only 25 out of 750 were getting my photos because of restrictions by my servers.  Though I didn't realize it, I suspected it because of the lack of response.  Now after 6 weeks of inconsistent photos by email, only 1 person wrote to ask if everything was all right. I am not sure how many people actually receive the emails.

So, are you reading these emails, or am I wasting my time every day?  I've been sharing photos by email since 2003 and added my Blog in 2006. I would like to hear from you if you want to continue receiving my Photo of the Day by email.  Just a YES or NO in the subject line would be enough.

I have finished editing the photos I took during my visit to Victoria, BC and will start sharing them here tomorrow.  However, I have already started sharing them in Facebook Albums and will continue uploading them daily for a while.

If you use Facebook and would like to see the photos I upload to that platform on a daily basis, feel free check my pages:

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