Friday, June 13, 2014



While making photos of the flowers in my yard on June 7, 2014, I attached my macro lens to make close views of some flowers.  When I got close to one dandelion I noticed an ant foraging for food and observed it for a while making photos of its activities.  Later a small hover fly landed on the flower and seemed to be feeding on pollen and/or nectar.  Interestingly, the and and fly ignored each other.  I guess there was enough food for the both of them. 

This experience reminded me that there is a whole world of smaller creatures that we don't even notice.  I can't even imagine the organisms and activities that occur in the microscopic world around us.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

1 comment:

William F Matthews said...

Neat pics. I snipped some yesterday to avoid the seed problem, but left a clump where bees 'were doing their thing'.

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