Saturday, June 04, 2011

Moose 3

Moose 3

I hadn't planned on sharing more photos of moose today but last evening I walked outside my back door and saw a huge bull moose munching on the plants less than 50 feet away. Since the sun was fairly low in the sky I got my camera and made a few photos before the lone animal wandered into the woods and out of sight. At first I assumed it was the same moose, but when it lifted its head to look at me I realized it was a bull because of the antlers. That makes at least six different moose that I have photographed here this spring.

This particular animal wasn't very nervous as I approached it very slowly. It lifted its head a few times to check me out but wandered away very slowly allowing me to take a few photos.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows

1 comment:

William F. Matthews said...

While I have seen moose before, I have not seen a bull at this time of year, i.e. with the nubs of nascent antlers showing.

Labadie - People

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