Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Barcelona 4 - Spanish Village

Barcelona 4

After the heavy rain stopped we decided to walk around the Spanish Village and check the various streets and buildings that represented Spain as it was in the early 1900s. There were many shops and while my wife explored some of the art, clothing and foods, I photographed the buildings and streets. This is the last in the Spanish Village series.

The three photos I am sharing this morning show views of three different streets. (You can see more by checking my Photo of the Day Blog.). Barcelona was founded as a Roman City and some of the original city walls are still visible in the Gothic Quarter. I liked the Roman arches seen in the architecture around the city and represented in the first photo this morning and in a few of the previous photos. The second photo shows a narrow street made of cobblestone steps and colourful buildings. The third shows another street with a church at the end. Along with photos of other streets, I am sharing a couple more doors and windows this morning.

You have probably noticed that there aren't many people in the photos. I assume that was because of the rain. When we were getting ready to leave, the rain had stopped and more people began to show up. This was the least crowded place we visited during the 18 days we were in Europe. It was also the only day it rained.

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

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