Saturday, February 02, 2019

New Bonaventure

New Bonaventure

Today I am starting a new series in which I will share photos of New Bonaventure that I took in 1999.  I recently scanned these images from slides so it is the first time I have shared these images.

I have been back there a few times since then and I can see several changes.  Several of the fishing stages you can see in the distance are gone.  If you know anyone from New Bonaventure, feel free to share these photos with them.

I will also start a new Facebook album and will add the photos to it.  I'll also add more recent photos.  If you haven't liked my Facebook pages, you can Like the album and see pictures as I add to them.

Feel free to share with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook Pages:

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