Thursday, February 01, 2018

Northern Bay Sands 7

Northern Bay Sands 7

Northern Bay Sands is located in Conception Bay North.

Northern Bay is the next community in our virtual tour and I am beginning with images of the beautiful beach in that community.  I have visited this area several times, but the photos are from a trip there in 2003.

This is Day 7 of this series and, in today's photos you will see a few people brave enough to get into the frigid water and stay.  In 1963, when I was a kid, my parents and a family of relatives stayed in Northern Bay Sands Park and all of the kids swam in the ocean.  And, I swam in the ocean in other locations around the province.  Now it's - "Forget it".  This is one place that people don't really mean it when they say, "Get in!  It's great after you are in!"

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Photos of the Day are for sale as:

You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook Pages:

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