Monday, September 03, 2012

Codroy Valley 6

Codroy Valley 6

Thanks for those of you who made attempts at identifying the plover in the photos I sent yesterday. So far the suggestions have included: snowy plover, semipalmated plover, common ringed plover and the piping plover. I've narrowed it down to the semiplamated and piping plover, but still can't decide. I have several bird identification books and use several online sites and the birds I saw resemble the piping plover in winter plumage, but the photos were taken in late August. For now I am just calling it a plover. :)

Today I have uploaded photos of some of the green fields in the the Codroy Valley, a couple more of the Cape Anguille Lighthouse and a view of Cape Anguille, the most westerly point on the island of Newfoundland. The images of the lighthouse I shared in the first of the Codroy Valley Series were taken at mid-day whereas today's images were taken around 6:30 the same evening. I decided to walk around the lighthouse as the sun began to set and made several images of the lighthouse and surrounding buildings as the lighting changed. Over the next few days you will get a chance to see these images as well as the beautiful sunset.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

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