Saturday, January 15, 2011

Petty Harbour -1981

Petty Harbour has changed a lot in 30 years and today's photos show some of the fishing stages that are no longer there.

A few years ago I heard that the Town of Petty Harbour were going to start a living museum that would involve rebuilding some of the stages and hiring people to show tourists how fish was brought to shore and processed in the days gone by. I thought at the time that this would be a great idea that is done in other parts of the world and is quite entertaining and informative. However, I haven't seen any signs of that project proceeding.

I believe the fishing stages in the foreground of the first photo are gone, or changed a lot. The stages in the next photo were certainly different when I photographed them in 2003. A couple of them were boarded up and others were falling into the sea making this scene looked quite different.

Feel free to check more recent photos of Petty Harbour at:

Photos of the Day are for sale as stock photographs
and photographic enlargements.
They can also be purchased as slide shows
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.

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