Today's photos were taken in Rattling Brook, Green Bay in 1973, less than 3 years after I purchased my first 35 mm camera. My first teaching assignment was in King's Point and students from Rattling Brook, the next town also attended the school. I often drove to Rattling Brook to make photographs.
The first photo was taken on a cold morning in mid-winter. The last two photos were taken from the top of the hills in the background. A couple of Grade 8 students took me up there with the purpose of making photographs. It was quite a hike up the side of the mountain, but the view was certainly worth it and reminded me of aerial views from a helicopter.
While reviewing the slides I made while up there, I realized that I had only taken a few photos. Too bad I didn't have a digital camera in those days.
and photographic enlargements.
and/or wallpapers/screensavers.