Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Tiger swallowtails are common around my home in Holyrood.  This morning I photographed a tiger swallowtail butterfly ( it may be the eastern tiger swallowtail)  feeding on the lilacs in my yard.  I used my 70-300 mm lens to get close views without approaching too closely and scaring it away.

If you look closely at the top left of the first image you can see an out-of-focus hummingbird moth. To be honest, I didn’t even notice that rare (at least around here) insect when I was making photos of the butterfly.   I hope to photograph one of these in the next few days.  They seem to enjoy the lilacs so I should get a chance before the blooms are gone.

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