Saturday, May 23, 2009


In Citrus Park there is a large water fountain that I have photographed several times. I like the sculptures as well as the water running from the mouths of the carved lions. I am sharing these photos to let you see that when you are taking photos, you should move in closer and see if there are other subjects. In fact the weakest image this morning is the wide shot of the fountain.

I like the textures of the moving water. In a still photo the water almost looks like ice.

Someone recently asked why I chose the theme "Everything's a Picture" for my Photo of the Day. I have explained it previously, but there are many new people on the list who may have missed it.

I purchased my first 35mm camera in 1970 (a Miranda Sensorex) and learned that whenever I have a camera with me, I always find something to take a picture of. The subjects of the photos vary, but I always see something that I'd like to photograph! And after making more than 500 000 photographs, I have come to realize that I can make a photograph of just about anything! The process of photography begins with "seeing" something that interests you. The more you see, the more you become aware of your surroundings. The more you become aware, the more you see. Through this cyclic process I have learned that if I see it, it can be a picture - hence, Everything's a Picture!

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Sheds This morning, I started a new album in which I will share photographs of sheds and you can follow it here -