Thursday, January 24, 2019

Seals 11

Seals 11

This is the last post in my Seals Series.  I know some of you enjoyed this series. 

Someone asked if people in Newfoundland ate seal meat.  The answer is yes.  There are over 6 million seals around the province and they eat fish.  In the 1990s, when celebrity seal protestors cam here to protest the seal hunt, our federal government's position was that "seals ate turnips".  They didn't like the negative publicity generated by celebrity protestors and eventually, the seal hunt was scaled back.  Seals, in the meantime, continued to reproduce.  The cod fishery was closed because northern cod were in danger of extinction.  Protestors didn't care about the fish - they wanted to save baby seals because they were cute. 

Now we have the problem that there are too many seals eating too many fish.  The seal hunt has returned, but not to the extent that it was.  Hunters kill the animals and both meat and fur are sold.  I have tasted seal meat, but am not fond of it.  Other, however, love it and look forward to spring when the hunt takes place.

The close views of the seal were made in early November 2011 before there was any ice.  The seal was asleep on a beach in Holyrood and woke up when I approached to make photos.  It soon tired of me and swam away.

Here is a link to my Seals Album on Facebook. 

Feel free to share with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

You can view more of my photos on my website and Facebook Pages:

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