Tuesday, April 08, 2014



For the past 40 years I have been making photos of old fences just about everywhere I travelled in Newfoundland and Labrador.  I have been planning a Fences Series for my Photo of the Day for a while but haven't gotten around to it.  Yesterday I updated my Fences Gallery which now has 80 images.  You can view the Gallery at: http://www.lanephotography.com/fences/fences.htm

As you will see from the photos, which ere taken over the past 40 years, many were falling down and have probably rotted away by now.  In the early days, fences were mostly used to keep livestock in and wild animals out of gardens.  They were also used to show the boundaries of properties.  Early fences were practical and made from materials that were readily available - mostly small trees.

Of course, like everything else, fences have changed over the years and my photos show what many were like.   The first photo was taken at sunset in Harbour Main, Conception Bay around 12 years ago.  I liked the colours and composed the image with the fence fading into the distance.  The cow behind the picket fence was curious about me when I stopped the car in New Perlican, Trinity Bay to make a photo.  The third image was taken along the beach in Heart's Desire, Trinity Bay.  This fence was still there when I visited that area last summer.

Feel free to share today's photos with family and friends.

Photos of the Day are for sale as:

1 comment:

m bennett said...

HI Bruce
I recognized the fences were of Harbour Main Area. These old fences have great character. Hewn and assembled with an axe ,bucksaw ,nails and hammer, throw in a mall for driving posts into the ground.
A chainlink fence is not the same.
One of my paintings at Dunphy's Funeral Home is of the Gaskers Area and includes some of these fence structures.


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