Tuesday, November 04, 2008

St. Margaret's Bay

While in Nova Scotia last August I was fortunate enough to take a couple of boat rides around St. Margaret's Bay. During those rides I photographed quite a bit of activity including pleasure boats of all shapes and sizes.

This morning I am sharing two photographs of a sailboat that passed by fairly close to the boat I was in. The first photo was taken looking almost directly towards the sun and you will notice that the boat, people and trees are silhouettes but the light is passing through the sails. The second photo shows the same sailboat after it caught the wind and started moving quickly across the bay.

For the past couple of months, I have been uploading more photos to my Blog than I have been sending to the people on my list. I am not sure how many of you checked the Blog, but the number of visits to the Blog has almost doubled. From time to time I may still upload extra photos but I will let you know when this is happening.

1 comment:

bearkat said...

I know I usually check :) Thanks!!!


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