Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Twillingate Buildings 6

I am getting near the end of my Twillingate series and have chosen more photos of outbuildings for today. The first was probably once part of a fishing stage but is slowly falling into the sea, even though the shed looks like it is in decent shape. It is possible that it was still being used when this photo was taken in 2004.

The second building is at the end of a side road and the vegetable (potato) garden is fenced in. Many people in rural communities still grow a variety of vegetables during the summer. The most common vegetables grown in backyard gardens are potatoes, turnip, cabbage, and carrots.

The third shed was built on the bottom of a steep cliff. Since there are nets and other gear around, I assume this shed was probably used for storing fishing gear. The last two photos show fishing stages in theis scenic community.

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