Tuesday, July 19, 2022



This has been the worse year for seeing bumblebees around my yard. I have gone "bee hunting" around my yard many times since dandelions started to bloom, but I have only seen a few in all that time. I haven't gotten very many photos and the first three are the only ones I have so far.  The 3 on dandelions are from last year.

The photos of the bee on the wild rose have a back story. My granddaughter, who is a budding photographer, visited the multiflora roses, several wild rose patches, daisies, and musk mallow, but we didn't see one bee, in fact, we didn't even see an insect of any type. She suggested trying her yard and we did see one bee on a figwort plant. Then, she found a dead bee and said we could set one up by laying it on a flower. It was windy and the bee was very lightweight, so we picked a flower and set it up on the grass and she took a photo or two. I also took a couple. :) 

It reminded me of the time I was teaching in Norris Arm and was teaching kids how to create a slide show. One group was going to create one on the wildlife in Norris Arm. Their storyboard had photos of foxes, owls, and lynx among others. When I got back to school on Monday, I asked them how they made out with getting photos of the wildlife. I was more than surprised when they said they got them all but a moose. They admitted that they were out looking for wildlife, but didn't see any, so they knew a person with stuffed animals and took them outside and set them up with the woods in the background. When the slides got back (in those days it took a week or two) they looked really good and, if I didn't tell anyone, no one would know the difference. I thought that was a creative way of solving the problem of not seeing animals. 

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