Saturday, April 09, 2022

Bird Houses


The first photo today shows a birdhouse that I recently purchased and installed in my yard. As you can see, it is nice and bright and I hope it attracts birds. A few years ago, a pair of swallows took up residence in our old birdhouse and raised a family there. It was fun watching them work so hard to feed the little ones. After that squirrels took over and raised several families there. It was fun watching them, too!

If you are wondering about the one with a bottle, it is an experiment and I agreed to try it out. I wanted something that I could put peanuts in and the blue jays couldn't take them. The squirrels love peanuts too, but unless a squirrel takes one from you, blue jays will take them. They will even take one from my hand before the squirrel if given a chance.  We feed the blue jays peanuts but want the squirrel to get some too. So, he built it so it could be attached to the tree. The bottle can be filled and there is a hole for the squirrel to climb through and access the peanuts.  I'll let you know how it works.

Of course, I have a Birdhouses Album and if you are interested, you can find it here -

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Sheds This morning, I started a new album in which I will share photographs of sheds and you can follow it here -